Sunday 19 February 2012

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Clay Flowers desolving in Vinegar

Desolves like Flower Decays

Clay Flowers

Textural Clay Flowers

Food dye fabric

Food dye used for dying fabric.
The fabric naturally soaked up the dye.

jArS oF BeEtRoOt

Preservation of beetroot, I used this for dying fabrics.

Presevation of flowers due to lack of oxygen

Steeped in beetroot juice

Resin and Wax sculptures.

Wax and Resin cubes which came from the idea of the ice sculpture.
In the resin and wax there are materials such as string, laytex, flowers, stems, petals, fabric, etc.

Exploring the movment of texture as flowers decay

 A courflour, water and food dye mix created the moist gloopy texture of the flowers,
When left in a warm dry place it dried and cracked to form the texture of dried decaying flowers.